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Mr. Gregory

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2018
New Jersey

Official Website

Current members:
Notable former members:
  • Mikio Fujioka – guitar (passed away in January 2018)
BABYMETAL is a Japanese "kawaii metal" (cute metal) band formed in 2013. They're an interesting, unique fusion of J-pop and heavy metal. The three adorable girls, led by Su-metal, dance and sing beautiful J-pop style clean vocals in Japanese and occasionally in English. The Kami Band, who rotates members in and out, backs them up with the instrumentation, which has a melodic metalcore/death metal flavor. Like most J-pop groups, they're the product of a talent agency (in BABYMETAL's case, Amuse, Inc.). Apparently, the girls weren't familiar with metal at all when the band was initially formed. Obviously, five years and two LPs later, that is no longer the case.

The first song that I heard of theirs was "Gimme Chocolate," from their self-titled debut album. I was not initially a big fan of that track because I didn't understand what the heck it was supposed to be. The instrumentation started off somewhat heavy and fast paced, with some nice melodic riffing, but the instant the girls started with their overly bubbly, cutesy singing, I was like "nope" and closed the video...ha ha. Some time later, I saw a YouTube thumbnail for the video for "Megitsune," also from their debut album. I decided to give them another chance, and I'm glad I did, because I had the polar opposite reaction. It grabbed me from the moment the song started and wouldn't let go. From that moment on, I was a proud BABYMETAL fan. The Kami Band is very good at what they do, and Su, Yui, and Moa are just the cutest little girls I've ever seen. I particularly love Su's vocals - she has a surprisingly powerful voice for someone so young, and this is showcased perfectly on tracks like "Akatsuki," from their debut album.

Until yesterday, when I finally sat down and listened to Metal Resistance in its entirety, I thought that their debut album was the better of their two LPs. I'm not so sure now. The debut has a lot of good songs on it, but it's kind of all over the place stylistically. Metal Resistance, on the other hand, is much more consistent in that regard, which I appreciate. I'd start with the debut if you've decided to take the plunge and give them a shot, which I think you should absolutely do regardless of what subgenre of metal or hard rock you typically listen to.

Given the extremely niche nature of their musical style and the nature of J-pop in general, I'm not sure how long they will last. I'm hoping against hope that they won't just be some passing fad that will quickly disappear, as some folks on their (dwindling) list of critics have previously suggested. All I know is that as long as they're around, I'm on board. Like Amaranthe, BABYMETAL is just such a fun group and are a delightful reminder that metal doesn't have to be angry and serious all the time to be enjoyable.

Megitsune (from their debut album)

Gimme Chocolate (from their debut album)

Akatsuki (from their debut album)

Headbanger (from their debut album)

Karate (from Metal Resistance)

The One (from Metal Resistance)

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Staff member
Mar 27, 2018
I am going to be honest, I haven't taken the time to even check this out. I know someone on another forum who is obsessed with them.

However, I will be open minded and give them a listen. I have always thought it was a gimmick...but I guess I will find out.....lol

(currently I am listening to something else, so give me a day or two and I will be back)

Mr. Gregory

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2018
New Jersey
I am going to be honest, I haven't taken the time to even check this out. I know someone on another forum who is obsessed with them.

However, I will be open minded and give them a listen. I have always thought it was a gimmick...but I guess I will find out.....lol

(currently I am listening to something else, so give me a day or two and I will be back)
Take your time, keep an open mind, and ease your way into it. I'd start with Megitsune, not "Gimme Chocolate." :gig:

They collaborated with Dragonforce guitarists Herman Li and Sam Totman on "Road of Resistance," which is just a great song all the way around.

Mr. Gregory

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2018
New Jersey
So, there's good news and bad news with regard to BABYMETAL. The good news is that they've released a couple of new singles over the last several months. Upon first listen, I prefer the second song.



The bad news is that Yui has apparently left the group. She's been dealing with an undisclosed medical issue, and she wants to do the solo thing.
