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First Impression Raijin - Summoning Storm EP (2019)


Staff member
Mar 27, 2018

Raijin (Chile)
Heavy Metal / Speed Metal / Hard Rock


  1. Rain - 1:09
  2. Moonlight - 3:59
  3. Samurai - 4:32
  4. Our Hunger - 3:34
  5. The Devine Wind - 5:27
Band Members:

F. Steele (Lead Guitar & Vocals)
S. Reaper (Guitar)
V. Bangs (Bass)
J. García (Drums)

The Summoning Storm EP doesn't break any new ground in heavy / speed metal. However, it was a decent listening experience. The vocalist is quite good with an excellent vocal range and also noted is a very heavy accent. The guitar riffs are tight with some notable solos, and the music has a lot of positive thumping energy and the influence is evident from bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Angel Witch and other NWOBHM bands.

I looked up Raijin, and it means god of thunder & Lightning in Japanese mythology.

Standout Track:
The Devine Wind