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New member

Nov 17, 2018
I like punk ,classic rock,southern rock,blues,thrash,death metal ,progressive ,blues,even some outlaw country for instance ....doyle ,the dead boys ,blitz kid gg allin, misfits,the new york dolls ,ramones,the damned ,the addicts,gwar,overkill,slayer ,mercyful fate ,king diamond,angel witch,diamond head,venom, nuclear assault,sodom,kreator,testament,tool,flotsam and jetsam,omen ,candlemass,trouble,the obsessed,the sword,cancerslug,social distortion,pentagram,black sabbath,anvil ,motorhead,anthrax,cannibal guns and roses , corpse,obituary,morbid angel,morbid saint ,six feet under ,torture killer ,dio ,iron maiden,judas priest,alice in chains, stp,soul asylum ,lamb of god, mudvayne,danzig,stevie ray vaughn, satriani,jimi hendrix ,rolling stones , lynard skynard,boston, deep purple,savatage,hallows eve ,sacred reich ,queensryche,helloween,sanctuary,megadeth,exodus,elvis ,johnny cash ,grave digger,allman brothers,nin,ministry metal church, death angel ...this list can go on for days lol ...that should be some insight as long as it has intruments musicianship and feeling i can probably get into it ...every (genre)or music has different feelings it gives ...its all about depth and emotion to me and realness to relate to if it has that i probably dig it ..cancerslug , doyle ,social distortion,overkill,sacred reich,and metal church has been on heavy rotation lately because im anticipating new releases and they are some of my favorites any ways ..what you been into lately speed king?
Nov 17, 2018
@Speed King i also am into ghost i set up for them at sonic boom a few years back ..but i already was a fan before that i got a few guitar pics and caught there set ...they are definitly something unique and that is hard to come by thrse days ..for some reason imo they music is like blue oyster cult and older alice cooper had a baby in the new age its rock and roll good riffs and a unique voice not everyones cup of tea maybe when i first listened to them i didnt get it ...but after second chance my mind was blown ...if you havent heard them cirice is a good video/song to check out and start with

Mr. Gregory

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2018
New Jersey
@Riffmaster1981, it sounds like you're all over the place, like me. We have threads for a bunch of those bands. Check 'em out, and feel free to start your own if they don't already exist and you feel so inclined. I need to get around to creating some more threads myself.

Like you, I can get into almost anything guitar based. As I alluded to in my intro thread, I'll listen to anything from Alvvays to After Forever to Arch Enemy, from the Beatles to Borknagar, from Mothers to Myrkur (pictured in my avatar), from Thao and the Get Down Stay Down to Triptykon, and everything in between and beyond. I've been into symphonic metal for a while now. Floor Jansen, who I greeted you with above, is one of my favorite vocalists in that subgenre.
Nov 17, 2018
@Riffmaster1981, it sounds like you're all over the place, like me. We have threads for a bunch of those bands. Check 'em out, and feel free to start your own if they don't already exist and you feel so inclined. I need to get around to creating some more threads myself.

Like you, I can get into almost anything guitar based. As I alluded to in my intro thread, I'll listen to anything from Alvvays to After Forever to Arch Enemy, from the Beatles to Borknagar, from Mothers to Myrkur (pictured in my avatar), from Thao and the Get Down Stay Down to Triptykon, and everything in between and beyond. I've been into symphonic metal for a while now. Floor Jansen, who I greeted you with above, is one of my favorite vocalists in that subgenre.


Staff member
Mar 27, 2018
@Speed King i also am into ghost i set up for them at sonic boom a few years back ..but i already was a fan before that i got a few guitar pics and caught there set ...they are definitly something unique and that is hard to come by thrse days ..for some reason imo they music is like blue oyster cult and older alice cooper had a baby in the new age its rock and roll good riffs and a unique voice not everyones cup of tea maybe when i first listened to them i didnt get it ...but after second chance my mind was blown ...if you havent heard them cirice is a good video/song to check out and start with

Ghost! I know we will get along great...I love Ghost. I am really glad you described them as BOC & AC having a baby....maybe @Speed King might give them a listen.....It's hard to get that old dog to listen to anything metal.....he he he. (y)


Oh, and before I forget......


Speed King

Content Creator
Mar 27, 2018
Rockford, IL
Ghost! I know we will get along great...I love Ghost. I am really glad you described them as BOC & AC having a baby....maybe @Speed King might give them a listen.....It's hard to get that old dog to listen to anything metal.....he he he. (y)


Oh, and before I forget......

View attachment 602
Can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Nov 17, 2018
@Magic speedking is a little set in his ways .but he likes alot of stuff i like.he does have more a open mind than one would think ...we just need to slowly convert him into some of these bands find a common ground on them or some of the influences they have are probably some of the bands he grew up with ...speed king is my brother in law and taught me alot on guitar when i was a beginner ...next time i see him i might have to duct tape him to a chair and crank some ghost till he is converted to at least one song then we can move on to the next band ..i found out he used to listen to candlemass that made me think there is a heavy darker doomy sludge stoner side in him ..btw i think its time for a candlemass thread if there already isnt one ...i think he will like stuff if its not to overboard and good talented musianship ..i dont think we can convert him into cannibal corpse or obituary we can dream ahhh ...but not a reality ... but ghost ,trouble,and the sword are up his alley i think or hope ..tygers of pan tang omen or diamond head or angel witch ..or less known act such as bleek house btw metallica ripped them off on welcome home sanitarium not even a attempt to hide it blatantly james even confessed but didnt that he stole it lol..nwobhm ...he likes iron maiden judas priest and budgie some of the bands i mentioned are not that far off in the grand scheme of things ...just maybe a little darker or heavier /faster ..but all metal came from somewhere roots or influences

Speed King

Content Creator
Mar 27, 2018
Rockford, IL
My ears were burning, so I popped in to see why,.....:)

Of course I like Heavy Metal, one of my all time favorite bands in the world is Black Sabbath (they invented Heavy Metal). They influenced me as a guitar player more than any other band I can think of. I love the traditional Heavy Metal, what I don't care for is "Cookie Monster" vocals and thrashy rhythms with scouped out mids and no melodic content. Heavy music like Candlemass I like because it's melodic, I guess the true genre of Candlemass would be "Epic Doom Metal". I think metal has strayed too far from it's roots, it's lost a lot of what made it so great in the first place. It's almost like it's been a contest all these years to see who can play the fastest drums, bass, and guitar.

Also, the term "Metal" has been twisted and miss used to include "Hair Spray Rock" which really isn't metal at all, but rather aqua-net induced hard rock. In my opinion, Heavy Metal is Black Sabbath, and everything metal that came after them is a derivative of them in some way, if it's not derivative of Sabbath, it isn't true Heavy Metal, there I said it.

I'm open to hear what ever you guys think I might like, but I've been disappointed so many times with modern music of all genres, that I've given up hope that anything created today will be as good as the stuff from the late sixties/early seventies.

Speed King

Content Creator
Mar 27, 2018
Rockford, IL
I like punk ,classic rock,southern rock,blues,thrash,death metal ,progressive ,blues,even some outlaw country for instance ....doyle ,the dead boys ,blitz kid gg allin, misfits,the new york dolls ,ramones,the damned ,the addicts,gwar,overkill,slayer ,mercyful fate ,king diamond,angel witch,diamond head,venom, nuclear assault,sodom,kreator,testament,tool,flotsam and jetsam,omen ,candlemass,trouble,the obsessed,the sword,cancerslug,social distortion,pentagram,black sabbath,anvil ,motorhead,anthrax,cannibal guns and roses , corpse,obituary,morbid angel,morbid saint ,six feet under ,torture killer ,dio ,iron maiden,judas priest,alice in chains, stp,soul asylum ,lamb of god, mudvayne,danzig,stevie ray vaughn, satriani,jimi hendrix ,rolling stones , lynard skynard,boston, deep purple,savatage,hallows eve ,sacred reich ,queensryche,helloween,sanctuary,megadeth,exodus,elvis ,johnny cash ,grave digger,allman brothers,nin,ministry metal church, death angel ...this list can go on for days lol ...that should be some insight as long as it has intruments musicianship and feeling i can probably get into it ...every (genre)or music has different feelings it gives ...its all about depth and emotion to me and realness to relate to if it has that i probably dig it ..cancerslug , doyle ,social distortion,overkill,sacred reich,and metal church has been on heavy rotation lately because im anticipating new releases and they are some of my favorites any ways ..what you been into lately speed king?
I was busy reading the long list of bands, I missed the question at the end,....I been listening to Blue Cheer, Budgie, and as always,...Deep Purple and BOC. I listen to a lot of Steppenwolf, mostly Monster and 7, but occasionally The Second and At your Birthday Party,...and a lot of other bands from the 70's.

Mr. Gregory

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2018
New Jersey
My ears were burning, so I popped in to see why,.....:)

Of course I like Heavy Metal, one of my all time favorite bands in the world is Black Sabbath (they invented Heavy Metal). They influenced me as a guitar player more than any other band I can think of. I love the traditional Heavy Metal, what I don't care for is "Cookie Monster" vocals and thrashy rhythms with scouped out mids and no melodic content. Heavy music like Candlemass I like because it's melodic, I guess the true genre of Candlemass would be "Epic Doom Metal". I think metal has strayed too far from it's roots, it's lost a lot of what made it so great in the first place. It's almost like it's been a contest all these years to see who can play the fastest drums, bass, and guitar.

Also, the term "Metal" has been twisted and miss used to include "Hair Spray Rock" which really isn't metal at all, but rather aqua-net induced hard rock. In my opinion, Heavy Metal is Black Sabbath, and everything metal that came after them is a derivative of them in some way, if it's not derivative of Sabbath, it isn't true Heavy Metal, there I said it.

I'm open to hear what ever you guys think I might like, but I've been disappointed so many times with modern music of all genres, that I've given up hope that anything created today will be as good as the stuff from the late sixties/early seventies.
I appreciate your take on things. I'm somewhat of a youngin and tend to gravitate more towards modern stuff, but I like some older stuff too, and I like modern retro rock as well. It's all good to me.

I was probably a bit of a metal snob when I first got into it, but I quickly came to realize that music is a subjective form of entertainment. People like what they like, and there's no real right or wrong as far as I'm concerned. I've never felt a need to try to convince anyone to like music that I like - that's for them to decide. I've had people outright insult my music and then apologize as if I take it personally. I just shrug it off and laugh. It doesn't bother me one bit. It's always nice to meet that rare person who does like it, though.
Nov 17, 2018
My ears were burning, so I popped in to see why,.....:)

Of course I like Heavy Metal, one of my all time favorite bands in the world is Black Sabbath (they invented Heavy Metal). They influenced me as a guitar player more than any other band I can think of. I love the traditional Heavy Metal, what I don't care for is "Cookie Monster" vocals and thrashy rhythms with scouped out mids and no melodic content. Heavy music like Candlemass I like because it's melodic, I guess the true genre of Candlemass would be "Epic Doom Metal". I think metal has strayed too far from it's roots, it's lost a lot of what made it so great in the first place. It's almost like it's been a contest all these years to see who can play the fastest drums, bass, and guitar.

Also, the term "Metal" has been twisted and miss used to include "Hair Spray Rock" which really isn't metal at all, but rather aqua-net induced hard rock. In my opinion, Heavy Metal is Black Sabbath, and everything metal that came after them is a derivative of them in some way, if it's not derivative of Sabbath, it isn't true Heavy Metal, there I said it.

I'm open to hear what ever you guys think I might like, but I've been disappointed so many times with modern music of all genres, that I've given up hope that anything created today will be as good as the stuff from the late sixties/early seventies.
I know to a point what styles you are into only because ive known you personally ...but you taught me alot of ac/dc and sabbath on guitar starting out ..and my first music i listened to as a young lad that waz a game changer for me that i knew i waz destined to play a instrument was black sabbath paranoid and guns and roses appetite for destruction ....game changers fir me ...you said if it has a sabbath influence you can probably like it ...i listened to some blue cheer and its funny because they where mixed in on you tube in with cream stepenwolf sabbath pentagram trouble ...you tube has a tendency to link similar (genres) and i say that word genre ?lightly because i hate it ...its a word that is thrown around loosely kind of like metal ? Back to the topic not trying to force anything on you the previous post are late 70s early 80s and i said them because i feel you can get into them definitly not new age stuff but pentagram heavy heavy sabbath influence cant be any more blatant ..a good one to start with is forever my queen and sign of the wolf ....one minute of either and you will almost definitly think sabbath ...as far as trouble definite sabbath undertones with a mix of psychedelic especially later newer trouble ..a few to start with is hello strawberry skies it has the doom and a bit of psychedelic in that track and album (manic frustration) but for the sabbath feel i would suggest the skull album or psalm 9 ....but my favorite is the 1990 album..songs like black shapes of doom/ r.i.p one minute of those tracks and sabbath influence can not be denied ...and i always liked trouble because first the name drew me in TROUBLE and they are from chicago ...so underrated band just like pentagram a almost underground cult like classic theyre first album relentless is a masterpiece ...and seeing the documentary on them it blew my mind that how many times they missed there big break and the singer how much drugs he did and still was alive crazy ...there are only a few people that come to mind in that sence a miracle they lived so long ....lemmy ,keith richards , bobby liebling <pentagram motley crue and ozzy not many can hold a torch to these guys as far as the partying lifestyle goes ...insanity on a whole different level mind blowing to say the least ...total excess ..as far as tygers of pan tang its early metal with good hard rock riffs ..its not doom but more of a judas priest style heavy but not over the top ...reminds me of cruising in a old charger or firebird pedal to the metal cruising for chicks and drinking a 12 pack ..personal favs are hellbound / suzie smiled that riff is so badass /priestly.... another good one insanity..diamond head is very similar in a sence ..and tygers, diamond head,angel witch, venom, and budgie influenced mettalica and mustaine dont know where you stand on mettalica but thats how i discovered so many bands was from hearing they liked them ....just some stuff i hope you check out for a minute at least ...the bands you currently said you have been jamming i am very familiar with and totally dig ...the only one i had not heard was blue cheer i checked them out and will be digging deeper ...remember im not trying to force you or change your taste ....i only want you to maybe hear some stuff that doesnt dissapoint you and add to your arsenal and playlists .....my whole intent is to spread underrated bands that didnt get the exposure they deserve im into alit of bands like that ....the bands who whre cast aside by the bigger known acts ...but never let up and still touring and never strayed from there roots and are still killing it in the now and doing it better than the bands that stole the torch ..👊✊
Last edited:
Nov 17, 2018
So, what you're saying is, he does like metal. ;)

It's funny that you mention trying to get him into Ghost, because I actually see Ghost as a rock band, not a metal band (not that the distinction matters for anything more than classification purposes in my mind).
You are tottally right i would say the hardest rock border line metal ? But pinnacle to the pit could be considered metal its just not fast or thrash.. maybe a little doom ...but like you said not that the distinction matters its all just music, rock, metal to me ....but im glad you caught that
Nov 17, 2018
I know to a point what styles you are into only because ive known you personally ...but you taught me alot of ac/dc and sabbath on guitar starting out ..and my first music i listened to as a young lad that waz a game changer for me that i knew i waz destined to play a instrument was black sabbath paranoid and guns and roses appetite for destruction ....game changers fir me ...you said if it has a sabbath influence you can probably like it ...i listened to some blue cheer and its funny because they where mixed in on you tube in with cream stepenwolf sabbath pentagram trouble ...you tube has a tendency to link similar (genres) and i say that word genre ?lightly because i hate it ...its a word that is thrown around loosely kind of like metal ? Back to the topic not trying to force anything on you the previous post are late 70s early 80s and i said them because i feel you can get into them definitly not new age stuff but pentagram heavy heavy sabbath influence cant be any more blatant ..a good one to start with is forever my queen and sign of the wolf ....one minute of either and you will almost definitly think sabbath ...as far as trouble definite sabbath undertones with a mix of psychedelic especially later newer trouble ..a few to start with is hello strawberry skies it has the doom and a bit of psychedelic in that track and album (manic frustration) but for the sabbath feel i would suggest the skull album or psalm 9 ....but my favorite is the 1990 album..songs like black shapes of doom/ r.i.p one minute of those tracks and sabbath influence can not be denied ...and i always liked trouble because first the name drew me in TROUBLE and they are from chicago ...so underrated band just like pentagram a almost underground cult like classic theyre first album relentless is a masterpiece ...and seeing the documentary on them it blew my mind that how many times they missed there big break and the singer how much drugs he did and still was alive crazy ...there are only a few people that come to mind in that sence a miracle they lived so long ....lemmy ,keith richards , bobby liebling <pentagram motley crue and ozzy not many can hold a torch to these guys as far as the partying lifestyle goes ...insanity on a whole different level mind blowing to say the least ...total excess ..as far as tygers of pan tang its early metal with good hard rock riffs ..its not doom but more of a judas priest style heavy but not over the top ...reminds me of cruising in a old charger or firebird pedal to the metal cruising for chicks and drinking a 12 pack ..personal favs are hellbound / suzie smiled that riff is so badass /priestly.... another good one insanity..diamond head is very similar in a sence ..and tygers, diamond head,angel witch, venom, and budgie influenced mettalica and mustaine dont know where you stand on mettalica but thats how i discovered so many bands was from hearing they liked them ....just some stuff i hope you check out for a minute at least ...the bands you currently said you have been jamming i am very familiar with and totally dig ...the only one i had not heard was blue cheer i checked them out and will be digging deeper ...remember im not trying to force you or change your taste ....i only want you to maybe hear some stuff that doesnt dissapoint you and add to your arsenal and playlists .....my whole intent is to spread underrated bands that didnt get the exposure they deserve im into alit of bands like that ....the bands who whre cast aside by the bigger known acts ...but never let up and still touring and never strayed from there roots and are still killing it in the now and doing it better than the bands that stole the torch ..👊✊
@speedking and i hope your ears are not still burning that made me chuckle ☺