Official Website: Bad Company
Paul Rodgers
Mick Ralphs
Boz Burrell
Simon Kirke
Albums: (The album name is a link the album thread with album video)
Bad Company 1974
Strait Shooter 1975
Run With The Pack 1976
Burnin' Sky 1977
Desolation Angles 1979
Rough Diamonds 1982
Fame and Fortune 1986
Dangerous Age 1988
Holy Water 1990
Here Comes Trouble 1992
Company of Strangers 1995
Stories Told & Untold 1996
Bad Company is another one of those bands that kept it simple and strait forward. You won't find songs with elaborate lead guitar solos, drum solos, bass solos ect,... What you will find is albums full of really good songs that kick ass. They wrote songs to party to, they wrote songs to drive to, they even wrote songs to "make out" to. They basically wrote songs to live to. These guys are very high on my list because of the quality of their songs, particularly on their first few albums.
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