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Symphonic Epica

Mr. Gregory

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2018
New Jersey

Official Website

Current members:
Epica is a symphonic metal band from the Netherlands. They're one of my favorites. Simone Simons is easily one of the best metal vocalists on the planet, and she's quite easy on the eyes, too. I love her.

They're generally pretty bombastic and have a lot going on in their songs. Simone has a very strong, powerful voice, and Mark Jansen backs her up with death growls. There are heavy, chugging guitars, there's a choir in the background, orchestral elements, etc. They're very good at what they do IMO.

At the moment, my favorite album of theirs is The Quantum Enigma. I haven't listened to The Holographic Principle enough to compare it yet, but it's pretty good as well. I own a few of their other albums, and all of them are pretty solid.

Unleashed (from Design Your Universe)

Storm the Sorrow (from Requiem for the Indifferent)

Unchain Utopia (live version - from The Quantum Enigma)

Edge of the Blade (from The Holographic Principle)

Universal Death Squad (from The Holographic Principle)

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Mr. Gregory

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2018
New Jersey
Cleaned up the OP a bit and added a couple of videos from The Holographic Principle.

I need sit down and listen to their newest EP. I forgot that was coming out this month.

Mr. Gregory

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2018
New Jersey
I've spent the last week or so listening to all of Epica's full-length studio albums. While I do generally feel that they've gotten better over time, as I typically feel is the case with most bands that stay together for a long time, I like all of those albums, every single one. I even like Requiem for the Indifferent, in spite of its more tinny/hollow-sounding drumming. The Holographic Principle and Omega are also superb. When I went into this, The Quantum Enigma was my #1 favorite, but now, I honestly have no idea. All I know is the same thing that I knew before, but on a much higher/deeper level - I love this band! :giggle:

Some highlights for me, among many others:

Dance of Fate (from Consign to Oblivion)

Blank Infinity (from Consign to Oblivion)

Death of a Dream - The Embrace that Smothers, Part 7 (from The Divine Conspiracy)

Fools of Damnation - The Embrace that Smothers, Part 9 (from The Divine Conspiracy)

Internal Warfare (from Requiem for the Indifferent)

Tear Down Your Walls (from The Holographic Principle)

Gaia (from Omega)

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Staff member
Mar 27, 2018
I should do that, too. It’s been a good while since I have listened to Epica. It would be enlightening to start at the beginning and end with The Alchemy Project…….then do a discography mini review.

of course, you know my choices will highlight Simone…..without too much growl interference.:gig:

off the top of my head
Tides of Time

Canvas of Life

OR BALLADS (my musical obsession)

Chasing The Dragon